Section title Ethics and Economics of Care

Photo: Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations of Peru
AECID supports a new care society: Redefining care policies with a gender perspective.
The assertion of the right to care, understood as the right to receive care, to provide care, and to self-care, is an integral part of the human rights of individuals. The right to care also involves the recognition of the value of this work, the guarantee of the rights of those who provide care, and the elimination of stereotypes that attribute caregiving as an exclusive responsibility of women.
According to survey data from 83 countries, the average time dedicated to caregiving and unpaid domestic work is three times higher for women than for men. Available data indicates that the time spent on household chores is a significant contributor to the gender gap in unpaid work.
Therefore, caring for individuals is a central concern in the commitment to gender equality, social equity, and the sustenance of life.
Spanish Cooperation aims to contribute to reducing inequalities in access to the right to care, to be cared for, and to self-care. The adoption of a feminist foreign policy promotes measures that aim to de-feminize tasks that, both in domestic and professional spheres, are almost exclusively carried out by women.
In this regard, Law 1/2023, of February 20th, 2023, on Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Global Solidarity, in its Article 4.1, when establishing the objectives that Spanish cooperation policy should pursue, expressly includes the promotion of access to social protection and an adequate care system.
From the same perspective, the European Care Strategy also encourages adopting an integrated approach focusing on the individual and the professionalization of caregiving, with community-based services.
This central issue also has international relevance. In this regard, on July 24, 2023, the United Nations General Assembly approved Resolution 77/317 in which it proclaims October 29 as International Day of Care and Support, commemorating its first day this year. (+ info)
For this reason, the AECID contributes to the implementation of several lines of work to promote a scalable model of public policies and services at the local level that contribute to the recognition, reduction and redistribution of care work, as is the case of the pilot test. in Peru. (+ info)
Since care systems are costly, they must have progressive, robust budgets with a gender perspective to ensure these rights. That's why the comprehensive, intersectional, and collaborative efforts of all stakeholders are crucial to achieving a more egalitarian society.
Information updated on: 24/04/2024

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