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Apartado del anuncio:

Fecha de publicación de la noticia 28/01/2025

Título del anuncio: Seconded National Expert



- Important details (please see file attached)

- Initial duration 2 years

During the full duration of your secondment, you must remain employed and remunerated by your employer and covered by your (national) social security system.

- The European Commission only accepts applications which have been submitted through the Permanent Representation / Diplomatic Mission to the EU of your country, the EFTA Secretariat or through the channel(s) it has specifically agreed to. Applications received directly from you or your employer will not be taken into consideration.

- Job Presentation


We propose a challenging position of International Aid/Cooperation Officer to work in the team that covers the health portfolio of the unit, with a focus on private sector and developing innovative financing projects in Health. The work is guided by the external dimension priorities defined in the Commission’s Global Health and Global Gateway strategies. The selected candidate for this position will assist in policy and strategy formulation and analytical work in the field of health financing in development cooperation. This includes linking health and public finance management but also and most importantly developing private sector engagement in health investment and engaging with relevant actors to develop and implement key tools such as guarantees and blending mechanisms (namely EIB, DFIs, financial actors and fund managers, foundations etc.) especially to promote local manufacturing of health products in DG INTPA partner countries)

The work would also include management of thematic health programmes, including through the Team Europe (EU and EU Member States) approach and by working with Global Health initiatives; as well as provision of advice and support to our EU delegations’ colleagues for developing health programmes under the Commission's bilateral cooperation with partner countries, thus effectively linking policy development and implementation at country level.

